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Friday, September 5, 2008

Golf Wallpaper

Womens Golf Clubs

Is a game of golf on Sunday to what most people turn, place and enjoy the morning breeze. Top men were only playing the sport, but today because women have also joined in, most manufacturers of golf club began to take care of the needs of women players.
They have their own needs and preferences based on which clubs and other golf accessories are manufactured. there were periods when we see men and women playing a game of round 18 holes on the same course. if women are professionals, they will certainly better.
Women can play with men 's baton, but in most cases, they prefer to employ a club just for them. They are made exclusively for women players and design model is different from that of a man 's. The golf clubs women are encouraged to achieve the same goal, the only difference is their weight or size.
Some key points to watch when looking seeking that perfect golf clubs are -
the substance used What is the raw material used to make clubs?
A question that each player women must ask the manufacturer before picking up. It could be made of iron or wood, but according to their level of comfort, they must take one best suited for them. Just like everyone buying a pair of shoes, we try multiple pairs, here too, the woman can use the club to see how to balance it or force when it is accompanied by air. This will help to make a wise decision and to be comfortable while playing on the course.
Length club
clubs made for women are usually a tad shorter than that of men 's. This is because the average size of women would be less than men and therefore they need a club that is shorter. Only then they can focus and shoot the ball off a piece of t without any trouble. Otherwise, they will have to bend too much or too less, making it difficult to get moving projectile.
Weight clubs
Using graphite axis work better than steel like this gives more power, and the oscillation the lady playing the game The club will also be lighter in weight, which means not too much pressure on shoulder while swinging the club. A club lighter is any day better than heavy, this will also enable the person to wear easily and be more precise while a projectile. Some golf clubs for women are expected for people across age groups, to give them the freedom to play the game without any dispute.
If there are too many issues beyond their capacity Thursday, she put them away and keep the golf course. It is better to buy clubs that are perfect for your stature, if not get clubs made to order.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Take your swing at high-quality, affordable clone irons

Many golfers, either professional players or just beginners, have a hard time choosing which golf club to buy. The playing strength of a golfer depends on the golf club used; the quality of the swing is also based on the type of golf club used. In order for the buying process to be simple, the customer must have a good understanding of what types of golf clubs are available and their specific use.

Novice golfers should have a basic set of clubs that consist of: drivers, wedges, putters and irons. offers high-quality, affordable clone irons; these are versatile and can be used for any type of shot or distance. Iron clubs represent the number one choice when it comes to short shots but they can also be used for a wide variety of other shots.

In choosing iron clubs, one must take into consideration the style, size and type of material used in making the shaft. The price of the club is very important and one must remember that in buying a club, high price does not mean high-quality; you must carefully choose which club to buy and examine it closely before buying it. High-quality, affordable clone irons can be found in, such as Power Max GX920 which is made using the latest technology. This type is expected to increase ball velocity, reaching a greater distance at a slower swing speed.

The shaft is another part of the club that is very important. The shaft is sometimes referred as the flex or the bend. The less the bend in the shaft, the more control the player will have and thus a more powerful swing it will produce. The average swing of a beginner golf player is 65 miles per hour but for a powerful swinger it can reach 100 miles per hour.

When shopping for golf clubs, you have to search for a balance between price and quality. Patience is essential in buying a golf club. Golf clubs can be bought from sports houses, specialty shops, catalogs and also on the Internet. Just look around, search the Internet and specialized websites like It will take a lot of effort and dedication in choosing high-quality, affordable clone irons but in the end it will all be worth it.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More Golf Tips

Golf Tips

Golf tips are nothing more than the thought you hold in your head as you swing your golf club. Whether the golf tip comes from another player or a golf pro or that really great player you met on your last Las Vegas golf vacation - what matters is how well the golf tip works.Your mind and body operate in a stranger fashion. It seems that your body does it's best work when your mind isn't in the way. By that I mean you aren't trying to think through your action you just let it happen. The secret is learning how to make this a habit instead of a rare glimpse of greatness.

So the first golf tip is learn how to turn off your mind and allow your body to swing without conscious interference. If you've learned how to swing correctly then your body knows how.A great way to make this happen is to think back to a time when you made a perfect swing. Remember the scene in detail. Then remember how it felt. See it play out in your minds eye and feel the way you felt then. Now swing. This simple exercise really works.Your golf grip is vitally important to your performance on the greens. Good golf starts with a good grip.If you watch professional golfers you will see that most of their grips are very similar.You have to find the best hand position and grip for you. It's something that has to be learned . The most important thing is consistency.

Once you find the grip that works for you stick with it.Only when you can put your hands on the club exactly the same way every time can you really tell if your golf grip is working for you. Learn and practice gripping the golf club the same way every time.Your second golf tip is learn to grip the club the same every time.Always select a club that will make you ask yourself "How much do I need to back off of this swing?". Use the 75% Rule. Make a 3/4 backswing and follow through, focusing on controlling the direction and distance of the shot. A heavier club will give you the power you need refine your control and aim.

Practice with heavier clubs and you will be able to swing with more control because you won't be putting all your strength into it.You will find yourself making consistently better contact with the 3/4 swing and probably start hitting the ball farther with your controlled swing than with the full whack.Golf tip number three is use a heavier club and reduce your swing to 75% - you'll get better power and greater control.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Learn Golf on Computer

Do you love to golf, and also love to spend time on the computer? Then why not combine the two and learn to improve your golf game. In just two short weeks you could reduce your handicap and lengthen your drive. Many people all over the world are taking advantage of this opportunity, and are improving their golf swing, getting better and more accurate distance and getting more consistency from their delivery. If you are hooking, topping or slicing the ball, then you need to get better results from your golf swing, for that is what drives your score.

Many golfers find that they are not thinking properly when they are getting ready to hit the ball. Learn to get your mind focused correctly and you could get a greater golf swing, keep out of sand traps, stay on the fairway and chip the ball closer to the pin. Are you reaching your full potential in your golf score? Many individuals find themselves looking to overcome the three main problems that golfers around the world experience, which are inconsistency, slice, and distance. It might not seem possible that going to your computer could help you improve your golf game, but believe it or not, it can! If you are not convinced then check out and see how the bogey golfer can have consistency as an end result.

Get straighter shots, save shots per round, and hit long every time. You can even learn to use your spine correctly and learn how to correct hand action and timing for greater distance and direction consistency. The use of such a computer program can help you to learn how grip the club the same way every time so that you can get straight ball flight. It can also teach you how to align the club face correctly, hit more greens, and how to make perfect impact with the ball every time. Such a computer program can be beneficial even if you want to learn how to get to the top of your back swing and then where to stop it. If you can get the right information, all of these items will become easy for you and improve all aspects of your game greatly.

In order to accomplish most things in life it takes a certain amount of confidence. It is no different in golf. If you can get your mindset and technique improved you will know that your shot will go right where you want it to. You can learn to correct your slice, get straighter hit and the ball will go further that a hook or a slice. Your approach will become more accurate. Decrease your frustration and you will start playing better golf games. Become the master golfer, then you can compete more with your friends and co-workers. You will be able to start using more strategy in the game. You will get more enjoyment and satisfaction from your game. Others will see your increased confidence and knowledge and will want you to share it with them. Now is the time to jump in and fix or improve your handicaps. Learn golf on the computer and the skills you already have will be greatly enhanced.

Monday, April 14, 2008

How To Become A Successful Golfer

This is how the key parts of the body, and not forgetting the club head, need to respond in the correctly shaped downswing, smoothly and unhurriedly applied:

The head has remained in its original position throughout.It has not "gone" and must not be allowed to "go" with the lateral shift of the lower part of the body.The shoulders have squared up parallel to the intended line of flight, the left shoulder, remember, still up.The right elbow has quietly slipped into its groove close to the body, "inside" the left elbow (as it had it at address).

The right arm has still not entirely straightened at the elbow and no strain should be felt in this limb.The stomach as it should have been throughout the backswing and downswing is still retracted, and this control of the stomach has been the more easily retained if you have stayed down to the ball on flexed knees.

The left arm still extended is in line with the shaft which means that the hands are slightly ahead of the ball with the back of the left hand and the palm of the right square to the line of flight.

The left knee has commenced to straighten, not stiffen. (Nothing is stiff in golf.) I prefer to describe it as a "firming up" of the left leg. The outside of the left knee, consequent on the lateral weight-shift, will ideally have gone a fraction beyond a vertical line drawn up from the outside of the left foot.

The right heel has left the ground and such weight as remains on the foot is along the inside of the sole.

The left foot has now taken the major part of the weight which is concentrated on the outside of this foot, again as a result of the lateral shift which has taken place.


The club head has, without any manipulation this way or that, been returned SQUARE to the back of the ball from the inside and is about to be driven through along the line of flight under the build-up of power.

All this has taken place without the body being thrown off balance. In fact you should be solidly balanced with a sense of firmness running right up the left side from the foot to the shoulder.

Now to clear up one controversial point: the popular conception that the downswing starts with the return movement of the left hip while the hands remain passive.

I cannot accept this. I insist that the hands much remain active at all times. Many outstanding players probably feel that the left hip dominates the start of the downswing, and I fancy that this is because they have been playing from early boyhood and hand-action to them has become second nature.

My point is that this passive hands theory can destroy the smoothness of the whole movement because the moment they become active again is likely to result in a sudden quickening of the tempo. You must sense the club head through the hands ALL the time.

What I urge you to concentrate on above all else in the downswing is:

(a) the driving down from a slow measured start with the hands and left arm across the body,

(b) the club under full control behind the hands and

(c) the lateral shift of the lower part of the body.

With a little practice, you downswing will become a strong part of your golfing technique.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Diet survey: Men eat meat, women eat veggies

Diet survey: Men eat meat, women eat veggies

The study of eating habits of American adults -- called the most extensive of its kind -- was a telephone survey of 14,000 Americans. It confirmed conventional wisdom that most men eat more meat than women, and women eat more fruits and vegetables.

But there were a few surprising exceptions: Men were much more likely to eat asparagus, brussels sprouts, peas and peanuts. They also were bigger consumers of frozen pizzas, frozen hamburgers and frozen Mexican dinners.

Women are more likely than men to eat eggs, yogurt and fresh hamburgers.
Men also showed a little more of an appetite for runny eggs and undercooked hamburgers -- two foods that health experts say carry a higher chance of contamination that can make you sick.

Women were more likely than men to eat only one risky food, raw alfalfa sprouts, which in the past 15 years have been linked to outbreaks of food poisoning.

The survey was done in 10 U.S. states, a collaboration between state and federal health officials. The results were presented Wednesday by Dr. Beletshachew Shiferaw, an Oregon health official, at a meeting of infectious disease experts in Atlanta.

Shiferaw said she could not explain some of the odder findings, like why men eat more asparagus than women.


Basis Golf Etiquette

Basic Golf Etiquette

Golf is considered a gentleman’s game and since this is so, exact policy of etiquette in playing apply. Even though these are not hard and fast rules, they show that the person practicing these has respect not only for other golfers, but also for the game itself.
Here are just some general policies of golf etiquette practiced at all levels whether they’re amateur or professional. It is then followed by some certain rules at particular times throughout a game.

Quiet - Keeping quiet as a person steps up to the ball is a sign of respect for the player as you are allow him/her to concentrate.

- A golf course is not a race track. Do not run as this will distract and bother other players.
Safety - Before swinging, always check for other people or objects in the area your ball will be going. Others may not see you approaching with a shot. Make sure they are out of range..

- Similarly, it is not only unsafe to take practice swings in someone’s direction, it is also considered rude.

- Make sure people are not walking around before you swing and stand still when others are swinging.

Pacing - When you and your group may not be the only players on a course, try to keep your pace of play at a rate that keeps up with the group ahead of you to avoid holding up the ones behind.

- It is very, very rude to advance into the group playing ahead of you. If it was accidental, you would have failed to observed safety etiquette. If it was intentional and you did so because they are playing slowly, it is still no reason to drive a ball in their direction.

- When you need to play through a group, observe common courtesy by first asking permission to do so. But before asking, make sure that the next hole is vacant so that there is enough space between groups as you pass through.

- If the group allows you to play through, take the least amount of time to finish the hole and move on to the next one as quickly as possible.

When on the teeng ground… …try to stay out of the player’s line of sight as well as peripheral vision to allow him to concentrate. Standing behind him/her is the best way to do so, as well as keeping quiet as he/she prepares to swing. When on the fairway…

…hitting some divots is perfectly fine, but avoid causing too many. Furthermore, try to put a few back in by simply stepping on the divot into the hole.

…don’t take too much time looking for a lost ball. The group behind you may not appreciate the delay. If it can’t be found within a few minutes, simply replace the ball.

When on the bunker… …use the course-provided rake when you’ve finished with your shot to rake out marks left by you, your ball and your footprints, then leave the rake outside the bunker handle parallel to the fairway.

When on the green… avoid stepping on the ball paths of other players as this can affect the putt. Walk behind the ball on its direction to the hole or at least step over the imaginary line between the ball and the hole.

…repair ball marks made by the force of the ball landing on the green. This shows courtesy to the player following you as you’ve taken the time to leave them an unmarked green.

…put your ball back on the green before picking up the ball marker just so you can avoid possible points of contention between another player as to whether you’ve properly positioned your ball or not.

When at the practice grounds… …continue to observe the general rules of golf etiquette as you would on the course. Although these are not all of the good golfing etiquette practices, they are the basics you need to follow for each other’s safety and love of the game. This will keep the experience all the more pleasant for all concerned.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How To Fix The Dreaded Slice

Here are two words that every golfer who has grass stains on his shoes has heard and dread. Slice and Hook.
The top players, those who have mastered the game, actually use these types of shots to get around things that may be in their way. When this happens, those words become fade and draw and they can be a powerful weapon in golfer's arsenal of shots.
But for the rest of us, they're just mistakes we make and off we go shagging our wayward ball.
This article is about the slice. We'll discuss the hook later.
The slice, where the ball curves severely from left-to-right through the air, is a very destructive shot. The slice is such a common mistake that entire books have been written on the subject. It is also so common that nearly every golf has experienced it.
So what causes a slice?
It is caused by a combination of an out-to-in swing path and an open clubface. The degree to which you slice the ball is totally dictated by these two factors. The most common cause of an out-to-in swing path is an open address position.
Now there are some players who think they can solve this problem by aiming their bodies well to the left of the target. Well, if you do that, you're just asking for trouble and, rest assure, you'll get trouble. When you start out wrong (in this case, your address is way off), the chances that things will go downhill quickly are only magnified.
In this case, the player is thinking that if he aims way left the ball will fly way right (his slice is already presumed) and he'll end up just fine.
When trying to hit the ball straight you should always set up correctly with your shoulders, hips, and feet square to the target line. If you're not sure if you're square or not, hold a club up to your chest, make sure it's squared up to to the line of your shoulders. Then look down at the shaft, sight along the shaft and see where it's pointing. The very end of the shaft (the grip) should be pointing to your target.
It's important to start out square and stright because once the club gets outside the ball-to-target line in the downswing you're more than likely heading for trouble and there is very little you can then do to to stop the slice.
To prevent this from happening try this simple mental tip.
When you address the ball, imagine there is another ball positioned three to four inches ahead of the real ball. As you start the golf club down, aim to strike the actual ball but also try to keep the club travelling along the path to the imaginary one. This mental picture will help you to keep your downswing on an in-to-out path and prevent that golf slice.

Monday, March 24, 2008

How to Make Short Chips Easy

If your stroke gets jabby on short ones, here's the cure

This story is for you if...
• You're nervous over short chips

• You jab at the ball on short shots

• You catch chip shots thin


Short chips make you nervous, so you think that if you shorten your stroke and jab at the ball you'll be less likely to make a mistake.


Eliminate excess wrist movement. Here's how to do it.

• Take your normal chipping address position without a club and with your left hand hanging loosely at your side.

• Swing your right arm back like you would when hitting a 10-yard chip, and then bring it back to the ball along your target line using a "karate chop." Your right palm should face away from your body as your hand passes through the impact area.

• Perform the drill again, but this time with a wedge in your hands. Again, mimic the karate-chop motion. You'll feel smoother through impact because you're not flipping the clubhead at the ball.
• Take your karate-chop chipping swing to the course and you'll be able to handle any situation, no matter how much pressure.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Secret Move of Golf

Golfers of all levels are constantly on the lookout for the secret move of golf, the simple tip or trick that will make everything fall into place. People have spent years reading books, watching videos and having golf lessons in an attempt to find the one simple move that will solve all their swing problems.

While there is no magic to it, there is one move that is most often described as the secret move of golf because it is the very basis of a good, balanced golf swing. The "move" is to make sure that the left hand is squared or even slightly bowed outwards and firm at the point of impact.
While it is all very well to do this in theory and square the left hand up perfectly in a practice swing, it is another thing to make sure the hands automatically reach this position at the point of impact when you are actually hitting the ball. The only real way to achieve this is to regularly carry out some practice drills that will strengthen the wrists and establish a firm set of the wrists at impact.

You could use an specialised training aid called an impact bag, a nylon sack designed to take the impact of a golf club and create the exact feel at impact. A cheap and effective alternative is to hit up against a used car tyre with an old golf club, as this impact does cause wear and tear on the clubhead and shaft. Give the tyre a firm whack and make sure the hands set properly as the clubhead meets the tyre, and that the left hand is firm and square.

Another ideal drill to build up the strength in the wrists to achieve the right impact is to place the clubhead inside the tyre and whip it back and forth rapidly hitting the clubhead against opposite edges of the tyre. This really strengthens the wrists and makes achieving the ideal the position of the wrists much easier.

A third drill is to place a piece of timber lengthwise on the ground and hit the end of the timber with the club so that it moves forward in a straight line. After you have done these drills on a regular basis, you will find the wrists feel much firmer and the impact of the club on the ball is far more solid.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Golfing for Health

Have you ever wondered why so many Doctors and other health care professionals play golf so often? Sure, part of the reason is that they can afford to, but they also know something that many of us may not know.

According to Cardiologist Dr. Edward A. Palank, "walking the golf course lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, while leaving high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol alone

Then there's the report from a Swedish Medical study that found Golf provided the equivalent of "40 to 70% of maximum aerobic power" which is the equivalent of a 45-minute aerobics fitness class.

All of a sudden, playing Golf makes a lot of healthy sense. It especially makes sense for those people whose work and lifestyles lean toward the more sedentary.

So, how does playing a round of Golf accomplish all of these major medical miracles? For starters, just being outdoors generates healthy responses from your body. Exposure to sunlight prompts the body to manufacture Vitamin D, and it signals the brain to release certain endorphenes which actually lift your spirits and enhance your mood.

But there's a lot more going on behind your putts and drives than just good moods and a dose of Vitamins. According to the August, 2005 issue of the "Harvard Men's Health Watch", the average golfer walks at least four miles during an 18 hole game, and that walk not only provides a great workout for your heart, but it helps to lower your blood pressure as well. Of course, if you're driving your cart around those 18 holes, then the heart-health benefits are greatly reduced.

Weight loss and weight maintenance are two more health benefits that come free with your Green Fees. If you carry your own clubs, and walk the entire course, you can expect to burn as many as 500 calories per game. But even if you drive around the course, you can burn at least 200 calories for your efforts. Just make sure that you don't put them all back on when you reach the 19th Hole!

Hand-in-hand with the benefits of weight loss comes the additional benefits of muscle exercise and toning. In fact, Golf is one of the few low-impact exercises that work most of the body's major muscle groups including:

* abductors * adductors * biceps * deltoids * dorsi * erectors * extensors * flexors * gluteals * hamstrings * infraspinatus * internal and external obliques * latissimus * pectorals * quadriceps * rhomboids * subscapularis * supraspinatus * terses minor * trapezius * triceps

And even if you've never heard of half of those muscle groups, you body knows exactly where each of them are located, and it thanks you very much for taking the time to exercise them frequently.

So there you have it. Not only is golf both fun and addictive, but it's an excellent way to take care of your heart, body, and mind all at the same time!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How to swing a golf club like Tiger Woods

Improve Golf Swing With Good Posture

The significance of your posture goes far beyond daily life. Your posture can change, how you play your favorite sports. Actually, most sports require numerous types of posture in order to successful achieve, the goal of winning the game. The sport of golf is not different, if you have bad posture within your golf game, than this will have a negative effect on your golf swing.

One of the best golf swing tips that anyone can receive is how to correct, their posture to improve their golf game. The power, intensity and accuracy of your golf swing lays within your posture, however, if your posture does not meet proper guidelines, than your overall game will be affected

Now that you recognize the importance of posture in your golf game, how can you attain the ideal posture? More importantly, what is the ideal golf posture? While many people feel that splendid golfing posture is simply lowering their chin to view the golf ball, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Never has there been a golfing method that has the ability to be interpreted in such a wide variety of ways. While some feel that keeping your body drastically relaxed and unrestricted will give you perfect golfing posture, other believe that a firm stance and stony upper body movement is the ideal posture. However, both of these beliefs are half true and half false.

The optimal golfing posture is notably easy to find, all it takes is an awareness of how your body is positioned. To set your body up for good posture, you must remember three key elements. The first is always keeping your back straight. This will allow you to actively involve all of your core muscles that are found in your torso.

Never allow your back to bend, or hunch over. This will actually weaken your golf swing, and throw your accuracy completely off. Next, always make sure that you bend your upper body at the hips. How you can accomplish this is by sticking out your backside as if you are going to be sitting in a chair and then bend slightly forward. Make sure that you don’t arch your back, always keeping a strong and aligned spine. After performing this, allow your arms to hang down in front of you.

Always make sure that you evenly divide your weight throughout your legs. Keep your knees bent, but allow them to be flexible enough to give your legs a spring to them. It is common for this posture to feel unrefined at first; however, appropriate posture always feels more dynamic than it really is. Although, if you are feeling any pain in your lower back, make sure that your quadriceps are absorbing all of your body’s weight. Keep your feet extremely sturdy, and your shoulders and arms unconstrained and in a natural state.

Golf swing tips are a dime a dozen, however, here comes a tip that many people aren’t aware of, and that is what do you do with your head? Never allow your head to stay focused on the ground the entire time. This will ruin your golf game, and cause you to have horrid shots. Instead, always let your head follow the ball. Whenever the ball leaves the ground so should your head. Your head is attached to your body, thus allow it to be as free as your arms, legs, hips and feet. It’s okay for your head to move with the golf ball, actually, it’s recommended.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What Are The Hot Golf Accessories?

There are a number of accessories that can be useful to people who play golf. Golf accessories are available in every price range, and many products can be found in stores and online.

Each aspect of the game has its own set of accessories. The golf clubs alone may require a variety of products. Some useful golf club accessories include cleaning kits, protective head covers, and club grips. Head covers come in many varieties from comical animal shapes to those that labeled with a family crest or monogram. Golf club grips also come in various styles. There are everyday, universal grips, but there are also some expensive grips that are tailored to a particular club or set of clubs as well.

If you think that all golf tees and balls are alike, think again because there is an extremely wide range of choices. You can buy inexpensive bags of generic, discount tees, for example, or you can purchase personalized tees in any color you can imagine. There are also rubber tees and brush tees, which are touted to provide more accuracy and to last longer than the traditional wooden tees. Golf balls can be purchased in a variety of colors and with varying claims as to their accuracy. Many times, golf accessories are chosen simply because of a personal preference, and not because of what the manufacturer promises.

You can also find many different types of sunglasses, visors, or caps. If you live in a sunny climate, you may need one of more of these useful products. Wrap-around sunglasses with UV protectant lenses may reduce glare as much as one hundred percent in many cases. Having a clear view is likely to improve the golfer's accuracy. An umbrella is another very useful golf accessory, since it can be used in either the sun or the rain.

Many golfers can't do without their 'lucky' golf towels. There are many towels with various logos and brand names available. Golf towels are not only useful, they also represent a way to personalize the player's game. Golf accessory shops also offer ball cleaners and other maintenance products.

Another good accessory for golfers is the ball retriever. There are generic brands that work very well and are relatively affordable, or you can find personalized retrievers in many styles.

You can find golf accessories in any pro shop at any course. There are also online golf shops that offer many state-of-the-art types of accessories that will make any golfer's play more fun.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Seven-Wood: The Golf Wood of Choice

If you are overlooking the potential of your seven-wood, you may want to take a closer look at the collection of clubs in your golf bag. Many golfers believe the seven-wood to be the best field wood in a golf bag.

However, this is not a universally accepted statement since it is ultimately a matter of the golfer’s opinion. But, many golfers believe that the seven-wood is as close to the perfect golf club as he or she can have. The seven wood swings as smoothly and easily as the six-iron but is also more accurate and gives more distance to the ball.

The seven-wood can be a great golf club from about 225 years in depending on the golfer’s physical strength. The seven-wood makes it fairly easy to get under the ball and get good elevation to move the ball in toward the green with very few strokes, the ultimate golfing goal. If a golfer has a seven-wood with a graphite shaft, he or she will have a greater feel of the ball as opposed to a seven-wood with a metal shaft. The graphite shaft causes the club to be more flexible and gives the ball slightly more lift upon contact.

The seven-wood is also a great club for a long par 3 or short par 4 hole. Let’s imagine the golfer is looking at a 180 yard par 3. Now, he or she could choose to make the drive with a three or four iron club and probably make a fairly good drive. However, choosing a golf wood like the seven-wood, gives golfer a slight edge as he or she can tee the ball slightly higher and in the direction of the green. This is especially true if the drive is made with the ball near the back of his or her stance, thus reducing the power of the swing and preventing the drive from flying the green.

If the golfer were to make a slight alteration in his or her stance, the seven-wood could also help the golfer get past an obstacle. Let’s say a golfer is approximately 180 years out on the green with a tree about ten years directly in front of him or her. By altering his or her stance by opening it up slightly and changing the hips’ position, the golfer can more easily hook or slice the ball around the tree yet without causing the ball to become out of play. The golfer can get the shot he or she needs, with adequate elevation, but without the negative repercussions such tough shots often carry with them.

However, it is always a good idea to spend some time practicing this shot on the driving range with the seven-wood before attempting it out on the course and in an actual game.